Available in Single Package - one time newsletter design or Bundle Package - three newsletter designs with choice of three consecutive months, every two months or quarterly.
Sign-up form - using your existing Mailchimp account, I will create a simple sign-up form and generate the code that allows you to embed it on your website. I will send you the code and after you place it in your website, it help your subscriber base grow by allowing people to voluntarily sign-up.
Single Package - this is for one (1) design. You will need to send your text (this is the message you want to sent out to your audience. The shorter the better), photos and logo. You will get one revision.
Bundle Package - this is for four (4) designs. You will need to send your text (this is the message you want to sent out to your audience. The shorter the better), photos and logo. You will get one revision for each design. This way, you have an eposter ready to post at any time.